Pilot vaccine production facility, Utrecht Science Park
A unique state-of-the-art pilot vaccine production facility for sale or long-time rent on the Utrecht Science Park in Bilthoven.
In Building X four labs are available for BSL3 activities (187 m²). Two of these labs can be used for GMP activities. The laboratories are part of a pilot production factory. The entire facility includes 187 m² of laboratory, 42 m² of office space and 43 m² of storage rooms. The building and the diverse labs are equipped with a biometric access system.
The facility is ideally suited for the production of candidate vaccines for phase I and II clinical studies on safety and efficacy, under GMP conditions.
Bilthoven has long been a household name in the field of developing vaccines against infectious diseases. Over the years, many vaccine production and technology processes have been transferred from Bilthoven to governments and companies all over the world.