LabForRent to help German Candidum to find premium lab space in the Netherlands
German-based Candidum has found premium lab space in the Netherlands due to an advertisement of Innolab Agrifood on the LabForRent website. Only weeks after consulting LabForRent’s website, the contract was signed between the two parties. This is only one example of the lab spaces rented out after featuring on LabForRent’s website.
Candidum is a spin-off of the University of Stuttgart and develops technical enzymes for purposes like chemical, pharma and animal feed. Its customers come from around the world to acquire these enzymes, designed with its innovative technology. As the German spin-off is growing rapidly, it searched for additional modern lab facilities. The search included flexible ML1 lab spaces in Europe, available directly. Soon, it landed on www.LabForRent.nl, featuring a range of available labs with their specifications.
On LabForRent Candidum could easily select and compare the very best places for its novel operations in the Netherlands. Next, they got in touch directly with the managers of the preferred labs to get more detailed information. They offered promising solutions. Candidum compared the offers and Innolab Agrifood became its top choice laboratory.
As a result, one month after Candidum explored the LabForRent website the German company moved into its first establishment abroad.